Sunday, January 30, 2011

I hate to leave, but love and passion don't pay the bills ... i hate venting, it feels so degrading.

So I haven't posted in a while ... a make believe life seems to have taken over via school. I only have a campus job right now, as I can't work full time on account of my class schedule ... about 20 hours a week would be perfect as all I have is work study = no income outside that which goes toward tuition and rent. I've kind of been holding out for a specific job ... not looking at other things because I sorta thought I was a shoe-in. In fact, apparently 6 years of assisting and picking up the slack of the previous person, being on the active youth committee when it was where they want it to be again, and working with youth of every age group through 2 other organizations doesn't amount to enough experience to be paid for what I've been doing for free for the last 6 years. "We don't want you to be disenchanted, and we'd like you to continue to help since you clearly have a passion for youth" [we're just not willing to pay you a cent for all the work you do]. Well, I'm sorry, but I can't afford to do everything for free. For years, I've said yes whenever asked ... but I have no income!!!! I can't afford the gas to come back multiple times a week and work with the kids I love and have come to genuinely care for. I hate to leave, but I'm afraid that passion and love don't pay the bills. I'll have to find something else, somewhere else. If not in Ohio, then somewhere else.

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